New Arrivals

Soho Duo in Chicago Cinnamon

Treat yourself to our stunning cinnamon smoking set, including our Chicago Cinnamon Soho Holder and our artist series rolling papers. Give these functional works of art to your besties or keep them for yourself!

Sophia Wallace Collection Rolling Papers

The high-quality papers in our cinnamon smoking set are wrapped in the vibrant image of acclaimed artist, Sophia Wallace’s original painting, WE ARE HERE FOR THE REPOSSESSION. Our "queen"-size rolling papers are made of unbleached hemp with 33 leaves per booklet. They also come with thin, slow burning filters tips for a longer, more satisfying puff. Plus, with every pack you buy, you're supporting the artist as well as the Housing Works, a nonprofit that provides low-income and homeless New Yorkers affected by HIV/AIDS with access to critical services, including housing, healthcare, job training, and legal support.

Soho Holder

More than just fashion, our holder is an integral part of our cinnamon smoking set. It safeguards your throat, fingers, makeup, and clothes. Our glass holder maximizes airflow to reduce wasting your blend. Plus, it cools the smoke before it hits your throat. Our cigarette holder is also made to accommodate different filter sizes. You can smoke out of either end—a slimmer smoke fits in one end, and a thicker one in the other. Artists hand blow our holders from durable, borosilicate glass that can take the heat. Slight variations show the artist's hand.

Cinnamon Smoking Set Details

These smoking sets come in 9 color combinations. The dimensions of the cigarette holder are 2.38” long x 0.5” wide x 0.5” deep. Our king-size rolling papers are made of unbleached hemp with 33 leaves per booklet. Hand wash the glass. For tobacco use only.

Soho Duo in Adela Lavender

Soho Duo in Bourgeois Black

Soho Duo in Emin Orchid Pink

Soho Duo in Frankenthaler Teal

Soho Duo in Gentileschi Green

Soho Duo in Keun Cornflower

Soho Duo in Mickalene Marigold

Soho Duo in Taeuber Tuxedo


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only settle for the coolest smoke



Colorful Cigarette Holders and Rolling Papers


Our hemp papers keep bleach or ink out of your smoke, and our cinnamon cigarette holder cools the smoke before it hits your throat

Social Justice

Proceeds from each cinnamon smoking set go directly to the artist and support Housing Works, a nonprofit that provides low-income and homeless New Yorkers affected by HIV/AIDS with access to critical services, including housing, healthcare, job training, and legal support.


Made from chemical-free, high carbon-capture hemp

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clean the holder in this cinnamon smoking set?

Our borosilicate puff pieces are dishwasher safe. But, for deep cleaning, the easiest way is to use rubbing alcohol with a cotton swab to keep your puffware squeaky clean. To see it in action, watch this video to learn how to clean your puffware.

How do I use rolling papers?
How else can I use puffware as self-care?

Instead of sparking up directly with a lighter or matches, try using a hemp wick. Lighters contain chemicals, like butane, and matches contain phosphorus—neither of which you want to inhale. Check out why you should be using a hemp wick here or watch this video to learn more about hemp wick.